Press Release

Flexible Customer Needs-Based Feature Selection Now Possible on Misdelivery Prevention Product m-FILTER MailAdviser (Microsoft 365 Compatible Version)
IDaaS Product StartIn Successfully Links SAML with Approximately 100 Services Linkage User Guide Provided to Improve Customer Experience —New Goal of 200 Services Linked by April 2025—
Digital Arts Releases Case Study of f-FILTER Implemented at Alfateccs That Supports Back-Office Operations —f-FILTER protects important customer information without compromising security for convenience—
Digital Arts Adds Two New Features for Schools to Its Web Security Product, i-FILTER Series, to Provide a More Comfortable Online Investigative Learning Environment for GIGA School Program Phase 2
Digital Arts Releases Case Study of i-FILTER Implemented at Bank of Yokohama i-FILTER Ver. 10 Is Adopted as the Web Filtering Engine for IIJ Secure Web Gateway Service
Digital Arts offers two new options for its DLP and file transfer service, f-FILTER, starting in July 2024
Digital Arts enhances its web security product i-FILTER's school features
Digital Arts signs exclusive distribution agreement with IdealRoute Consulting Inc. for the exclusive overseas sales of security product FinalCode
Digital Arts improves i-FILTER features ahead of the second phase of the GIGA School Program —Features that meet the standards set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and classroom support using tech—
Passkey-based passwordless authentication feature added to the IDaaS product StartIn —Improving convenience and security, the new feature will be available from March 18, 2024—
Digital Arts adds certificate issuance feature to its IDaaS product StartIn, available from June 2024.
Digital Arts adds six features to i-FILTER series, web security products to create a safe and secure web environment —Available on January 31—
Digital Arts rebrands m-FILTER MailAdviser brand to provide one-stop solution in response to needs for email misdelivery prevention —Brand message, communication, and pricing structure will be renewed starting on April 1, 2024—
Chat and online conference tools for schools, new features added to Desk GIGA School Edition
Improved D-Alert Reporting Service that notifies users of malware threats and response methods launching December 13
Digital Arts adds four new features to AI Chat Filter, which shows how generative AI, such as ChatGPT, are being used and ensures safe use. — Comes standard with i-FILTER as of November 13 —
f-FILTER Prevents Information Leaks through Secure File Transfer Licenses set at 300 yen each
Case Study of i-FILTER Installation at Fullcast Holdings
Digital Arts begins company-wide use of generative pre-trained transformer AI, ChatGPT
Case Study of m-FILTER MailAdviser Installation at BELLSYSTEM24
Digital Arts' chat and online meeting tool Desk to be launched on June 21, 2023 with a revised pricing structure to meet the demands for chat systems in business and schools
New Digital Arts AI Chat Filter Supporting ChatGPT and Other Generated AI Coming to i-FILTER series as Standard Feature August 16
JR-WEST's i-FILTER Introduction Case Study
Digital Arts will release a total file security solution f-FILTER in October
Digital Arts to enter the IDaaS market in August 2023 Utilizing strong multifactor authentication including location-based authentication and third-party authentication to ensure secure ID management
m-FILTER MailAdviser OWA, a new product to provide pop-ups for misdelivered emails on OWA (Outlook for the web), will releas on July 4
Digital Arts to enter into the communications business in June
Digital Arts launches i-FILTER@Cloud with enhanced CASB functionality on April 3
Security Reports: Three year compilation of Domestic Security Incidents Incidents exceed 1,000, up 1.5 times from previous year while malware infection is up 10 times
New Option for Detecting and Responding to Incidents Caused by Dangerous E-mails Now Available